How Should Homeowners Prepare Their HVAC System for Spring?

AC, Blog, HVAC, Maintenance, Milford, OH, Ohio, Spring, Thermostat

Spring is among us, as days are lengthening, flowers are sprouting, and animals awaken from their slumber. Time to spring into spring cleaning mode and ready your household for the approaching warmer weather. Besides storing aside your winter attire and tidying each room, corner, and crevice, we hope you squeezed in space on your spring cleaning list for your HVAC system. Spring is an excellent time for cleaning up and evaluating your air conditioner to discern any potential problems and areas for improvement before you commence regular use during the warm summer months. Our staff at Milford Heating & Cooling wants to task you with some duties to help steer your attention on readying your air conditioner for the heat to come.

How are Whole-Home Dehumidifiers Beneficial?

Battling moisture is something we can expect to come hand-in-hand with spring and summer here in Ohio. High condensation and humidity levels can generate an uncomfortable atmosphere in your home. Maintaining proper humidity levels promotes improved indoor air quality and helps you and your family feel more relaxed within your home. If this piques your interest, our specialists at Milford Heating & Cooling would be glad to assist you in installing a whole-home dehumidifier for your home this spring season!

Why is Servicing Your AC Unit Vital?

If nothing else, the most practical thing you can do for your household this spring is to ensure you have your air conditioning unit inspected by an HVAC expert. Right now is the perfect time to establish a date for your spring AC service. As warm weather nears, HVAC businesses become occupied with servicing needs for new and returning customers. So, if skipping the conflict of struggling to schedule last-minute repairs is something you want to arrange, we can undoubtedly put in place one of our service maintenance agreements for you. Our maintenance plans help optimize your airflow, boost your unit’s efficiency, and enable you to find comfort in having a skilled technician tinker with your HVAC system through the season.

What is the Advantage of Decluttering Your Home?

Keeping house and sprucing things up makes your home more desirable to the eye and lungs. If there are fewer hurdles throughout your home, cleaning will be more effective when working to discard any dust and allergens affecting air quality. Give yourself well-deserved room to breathe and breathe easy. Go through each section of your home, donate things you haven’t utilized in a while, and dust! In doing this, your HVAC system will operate more effectively in your clean, decluttered home.

Why Should You Change Your Thermostat Batteries?

I can tell you from personal experience that while your HVAC system may be operating fine, your thermostat could be accountable for your air conditioner not functioning to its manufactured ability. However, by swapping out your batteries before spring and summer, you can feel confident that your thermostat won’t shut off or seize up at the wrong time. Also, maintaining sufficient batteries in your thermostat guarantees that even if there is a power outage, which is likely during Ohio winds, your thermostat’s settings will survive, so you won’t have to deal with the hassle of reprogramming over and over again.

Cleaning and Sealing Windows is Important; How?

We may suspect our windows are letting in the cold if we are unreasonably cold; however, we don’t typically give our windows much thought otherwise. Still, winter ice is the primary reason for sealant or caulking fracturing and decaying. Also, the moisture from rain can cause rot and other devastations, worsening already existing cracks. Due to icy temperatures, windows are vulnerable to detaching from their frames during the cold months. Therefore, unfavorable circumstances can occur when the outside air blows freely through our windows as days go on. One of the most substantial problems is looking helplessly as your energy bill increases dramatically. Cleaning your windows motivates your home to seem more pleasant all around. Letting more sun in during the cooler early spring days can bring happiness while not relying entirely on your HVAC system. Additionally, sealing up your windows can benefit the air coming in from your air conditioner by regulating any loss of cool filtered air or gain of humid dirty outdoor air.

Call Milford Heating & Cooling today at (513) 655-5112, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! We would be delighted to send a technician out your way to accomplish a more detailed assessment of your HVAC unit and resolve any undiscovered shortcomings. Dealing with these problems now can help ensure you get them mended before the elevated temperatures come later! So let’s work as a team and get your HVAC desires established in a way that you and your family will appreciate all your time and efforts this season!

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