What Are 5 Ways You Can Winterize Your Home?

Furnace, Blog, Heating, HVAC, Maintenance, Milford, OH, Ohio, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks, Winter

Most homeowners will assume that their home is winter-ready. Mostly because nothing wrong happened last year. However, because of this common assumption, many homeowners don’t know how beneficial winter-proofing their home can be. Mainly because our weather is so unpredictable. Some homeowners can justify the cost of winter-proofing their home, but we’re here to tell you it can make all the difference. So, to help our customers know the best practices when winter-proofing their home, our experts at Milford Heating & Cooling have put together a list to help you, your family, and your home be ready throughout the winter so you can avoid unexpected expenses. 

  • Outdoor Faucets and Hoses- Although it sounds like a straightforward task, it can be easily forgotten among the other duties you need to accomplish around the home; however, this is a task that needs to be done before the winter weather rolls in.
  • Home Heating System– Verify the last time your heating system received a tune-up. Also, clean up any dirt or debris around the equipment. Replacing your home heating system’s filter must be done at the very least every three months. Even so, if you want to be more prepared in advance, you can change your air filter every month. To assist you with this routine task, set a periodic reminder to help you remember!
  • Water Pump- To prevent your hose from freezing up or other inevitable issues, you will want to unplug and disconnect all parts linked to your water pump. Unfortunately, avoiding this task could result in your home flooding.
  • Apply Weather Strips- Adding weather stripping to doors and caulk window gaps will ensure all windows are sealed to shut out as much cool air as possible.
  • Residential Ceiling Fans-​ Because this isn’t very common for homeowners, we like to call this a bonus tip. Changing your residential ceiling fan’s direction to run clockwise helps ensure warmer air circulation. 

Assuming your home is winter-ready just because it was ok last year is never a good idea. Taking preventative steps to winterize your home will always be a win. At Milford Heating & Cooling, we would rather keep you safe than be sorry to ensure you avoid any unneeded repairs for your home this winter. If you have questions or need further assistance, call us today at (513) 655-5112, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here

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